Smooth Move: 5 Outdoor Uses for Baby Oil

Smooth Move: 5 Outdoor Uses for Baby Oil

December 10, 20143417Views

Baby oil may seem like something that doesn’t have much use outside of the nursery or a teenager’s sun lounger, but there are plenty of people who have found it useful when hiking, camping, or backpacking. These five outdoor uses for baby oil will help you see that there are all kinds of duties this unassuming product can perform on your outdoor adventures!

Protection from Frostbite

When the temperature drops dramatically, it is essential to protect the skin as much as possible. However, sometimes skin must be bared to the elements, especially the skin of the face. If you do not have a balaclava or a scarf to cover your face, smear a thin layer of baby oil on the exposed skin before venturing out. This helps prevent both windburn and frost bite.

Soothing Cracked Feet

Cracked feet can be a nightmare for hikers and others who travel great distances on their feet. Once the skin on the bottom of your feet has dried out and started cracking, it can result in deeper tissue tears that allow in infection, not to mention acute pain. If your skin has begun cracking, do not delay — slather baby oil onto the cracked skin as soon as possible to prevent worse cracks and aid healing.

Fire Starters

Fire starters are an essential component of outdoor adventuring, both in the recreational sense and for survival. Commercial fire-starters are readily available at most outdoor stores, but you can easily make your own by soaking cotton balls or pads in baby oil. Seal them up in plastic bags and tuck into a jacket pocket or backpack for ready access.

Photo from christinhumephoto/Unsplash

Mosquito Repellent

Baby oil makes a surprisingly effective mosquito repellent when used liberally on the skin. If you’re venturing through areas known to be infested with mosquitoes, covering any exposed skin with a thick coat of baby oil will keep the biting buggers away.


While most people can handle a few days in the outdoors without shaving, long term hair growth can be itchy and uncomfortable. Forget about lugging along a can of Barbasol — baby oil makes a perfectly acceptable shaving lubricant for faces and other areas of the body, and your skin will feel buttery soft afterward!

Featured Image from christinhumephoto/Unsplash